Faculty, staff lauded with top teaching, leadership awards


Posted on: Mar 7, 2019 12:00:00 AM


Contact: Della Elliott




库亚马卡学院的两名教员和格罗斯蒙特学院的一组专业人员 are among the academic year’s rock stars at the two East County campuses.


Rachel Jacob-Almeida是全职社会学教授,peggy Daley是兼职社会学教授 英语作为第二语言教授,最近获得了2019年教学奖 Excellence, a recognition by students who nominate faculty members.


“我们的学生应该得到最好的,这就是他们从我们的大学得到的。 Cindy L. Miles, chancellor of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District. “These 获奖者在他们的有意和不懈的努力代表是无与伦比的 of our students.”


Rachel Jacob-Almeida


学生们在描述专职社会学讲师时用了“鼓舞人心”这样的形容词。 and “awesome” and she is praised for her caring, approachable presence. The four-year 库亚玛卡学院的讲师现在是历史、社会和行为科学的主席 Department.


“她真的知道如何鼓励我们批判性地思考严肃的问题。 student said. “I also really appreciate how she never shouts down an opposing opinion and actually talks through the different sides of an argument.”


在春季学期课程的第二天,雅各布-阿尔梅达面对了一个挤满了学生的班级 超过35名学生在没有座位表的情况下熟练地叫出他们的名字 in sight. 学生们都渴望十大正规网赌软件app课堂讨论和她的回答 回答他们的问题反映了对他们思考过程的真正兴趣.


“I make my classes as interactive as possible,” said Jacob-Almeida.  “For the past 几个学期,我一直在做一个小练习,我记住了所有他们的名字 在上课的第一天,让每个学生自我介绍并说些什么 unique about their names. Then I would go around the class repeating all of their names. Students have tended to be surprised at how well I do.”


毕生关注种族主义、性别歧视和其他形式的不平等等社会问题 sparked her decision to pursue a career in academia. She holds a bachelor’s in psychology 从加州大学伯克利分校获得硕士学位和即将获得的博士学位, both in sociology, from the University of California, San Diego. She began her teaching 在加州大学圣地亚哥分校担任助教,然后在该校兼职任教 从2011年开始,她一直在圣地亚哥、格罗斯蒙特、库亚马卡和帕洛马学院任教 hired as full-time faculty at Cuyamaca College in 2014.


“我喜欢库亚马卡学院规模虽小,但在不断发展,同时也注重公平,” 雅各布-阿尔梅达说,他的母亲特蕾莎·雅各布在格罗斯蒙特学院教授心理学 from 1989 till her retirement in 2012. “I like that among so much of the faculty and 行政部门经常讨论什么是公平和真正的努力 to implement the steps to close equity gaps. What this means is that there is a true 关注我们的学生是谁,我们的学生需要什么,这正是如何做到的 a community college should be.”


Peggie Daley


“Prof. 佩吉是我见过的最好的老师,”一名学生在提名中写道. “She is always there to give a hand and help her students. She encourages us to learn.”


戴利总是兴高采烈,在一组组造型精美的桌子周围徘徊 to get students engaged in discussions. Like a hummingbird sipping nectar, she pauses 在每一张桌子上,她都为学生们热情地复述当天的课程而感到高兴. Stop, listen, comment and nod approvingly. Then off to the next circle of desks to pollinate more minds.


“她的表现和沟通对学生产生了很大的影响 they have with their classmates,” reads another student nomination.


自2012年起担任东部地区成人教育项目的兼职ESL讲师 2014年起在库亚马卡学院担任兼职ESL加速讲师 is in her element in the classroom.




她是学院第一批开启补习ESL教学的教师之一 its head by offering accelerated classes. Instead of the often unsuccessful attempts 在补习班中,正规网赌软件推荐的学生被安排在转学级别的课程中 and given additional support.


结果令人印象深刻,该学院去年被授予 Dr. John W. Rice Diversity and Equity Award. Last month, the California Acceleration 项目授予正规网赌软件推荐有史以来第一个金州蜂蜜獾奖 acceleration work. Other colleges are now replicating Cuyamaca’s initiatives.


戴利进入教学行业的时间相对较晚. She 1983年在圣地亚哥州立大学获得社会工作学士学位, 以及利伯缇大学人类服务:健康与保健硕士学位 in 2013. 之后,她在圣地亚哥基督教学院担任行政官员 曾在菲律宾、香港、巴哈马等地传教、教学 Sunday school and English to children.


2008年经济衰退来袭,戴利失去了在圣地亚哥基督教学院的工作, she took a friend’s advice to substitute teach. Her first assignment was in an ESL class and she discovered a new passion.


他说:“我谦卑地感谢能在库亚马卡十大正规网赌软件app一些伟大的项目。 他目前正在利伯缇大学攻读教育学博士学位. “I sometime pinch myself as reassurance that this not a dream. I truly enjoy exercising the wonderful gift of teaching on a magnificent campus. My students left their countries 来到异国他乡希望能找到安全的地方过上更好的生活 their children. They have to overcome many barriers, but they do not give up.”


Grossmont College President’s Leadership Award


在格罗斯蒙特学院,一个委员会的六名成员获得了总统的领导 奖励他们花了很多时间研究精简和改进大学的方法 governance. The six classified, or non-instructional, staff who developed the new Nabil Abu-Ghazaleh校长批准的计划是Monica Blando,招生和记录部 Senior Assistant; Cindy Emerson, administrative assistant in College Planning and Institutional Effectiveness;  Bernadette Black, administrative assistant to the president;  专业发展办公室行政助理Rochelle Weiser; Elaine Adlam, Health Services nurse; and Bryan Lam, student services specialist in International Counseling.


“我们认识到,颁发这个奖项是一个长期的传统 但我们很感激今天能一起站在这个舞台上,”白兰度说 说着,这群人被授予了学院的最高荣誉 service. “Together we have worked intensely on the governance reorganization. We started 像许多人一样,不相信改变是可能的,但我们一起努力 through tough conversations, we learned to trust in the process. Along the way, we 意识到我们的声音被管理人员,教师和学生听到了 we truly had a seat and voice at the table. Through this, we grew as individuals, as leaders, and as a group.”