Eight-week classes starting soon


Looking to earn some quick college credits, update your skillset to help with career opportunity, or simply wanting to gain some knowledge?


The second eight-week classes of fall 2020 at Cuyamaca College are set to be held mostly remotely with tuition beginning  at only $46 a unit for California residents. Most classes carry three units of credit, with financial aid available to those who qualify. 


At Cuyamaca College, courses that could fulfill General Education requirements include options in health, political science, history, math, economics, and music.


Innovative courses in career education include the Ford-sponsored ASSET automotive technology program. Recognized as one of the best training programs in the world, the Ford Automotive Student Service Education Training (ASSET) program prepares students to support all the systems of all Ford vehicles. Additionally, the Gig Economy: The New Entrepreneurial Path (BUS 113) provides students foundational training on freelancing and entrepreneurial opportunities.


Several Business Office Technology are available, including Building Keyboarding Skills II and III (BOT 103B and C), Comprehensive Word III (BOT 122) as well as other business courses in Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Many courses are also available for students interested in Paralegal Studies.


Cuyamaca College’s Center for Water Studies has many courses available in the short-term format, including Water Conservation (CWS 105); Water Treatment Plant Operations (CWS 112); Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse (CWS 115); and Water Distribution Systems (CWS 130). With thousands of pending retirements in the California water industry, a widespread demand for high-skilled and educated water and wastewater professionals is expected.


Check out the list of second 8-week classes at


Cuyamaca College


and for information on applying and enrolling, as well as financial aid, go to


http://www.gcccd.edu/now/. Send an email to Cuyamaca.Admissions@gcccd.edu for questions about applying and registering.