Top faculty at Grossmont, Cuyamaca lauded

Posted on: Sep 23, 2019 12:00:00 AM


联系人:Della Elliott


From the cotton fields of Arizona to a boyhood spent in Uganda, the four Grossmont 今年秋天被同事们授予荣誉的库亚马卡学院教师们经历了不可预测的经历 paths leading them to the two East County colleges.


获奖者的共同之处在于他们的模范服务和对社会的贡献 colleges, where each was introduced at convocation as the year’s standout faculty. 格罗斯蒙特学院的数学老师艾琳·帕拉西奥斯被授予全职杰出教师称号 教师奖,计算机科学和信息系统讲师朱莉·汉森 was selected 作为辅助赢家 of the same award. At 正规网赌软件推荐, English 作为一名第二语言教师,曼努埃尔·曼西拉斯-戈麦斯获得了杰出奖 教员奖授予专职教员,英语教员罗伯特·斯塔福德入选 作为辅助赢家.


“我一直期待着获奖教师的宣布,”校长辛迪说 L. 英里. “Without exception, they represent the best qualities of commitment and caring in their interaction with students. They take great pride in the progress students 作为教育者,他们会因为知道自己有所作为而感到满足.”




这位数学老师体现了格罗斯蒙特学院“通过改变生活”的座右铭 教育” because she has witnessed the transformation many times in her 19 years at the campus, and because of her own story.


“My personal journey is just one example of a life profoundly changed by access to higher 教育,” she said.


Palacios and her mother emigrated from Mexico to the United States when she was 2 to live with her mother’s parents in Arizona. Palacios’ grandfather was a migrant fieldworker, following seasonal work in Arizona and California.


还是个孩子的时候,帕拉西奥斯夏天在棉花地里干活,早上4点起床.m. and laboring in 110-degree heat. By 15, she was working a graveyard shift as a restaurant 服务器.


在学校里,帕拉西奥斯说她被同学欺负,被老师惩罚 说西班牙语. She found her refuge in math. “Math class became my escape – it was my happy place,” she said.


虽然她在高中时是一名正规网赌软件推荐,但她从未想过要继续深造,直到 a biology instructor told her matter-of-factly that she was going to college. 作为她的 作为高中毕业典礼的代表,她得以免费进入亚利桑那州立大学学习.  A support program for first-year students from underserved communities was key to 她的成功,她继续在亚利桑那州立大学获得数学学士学位和硕士学位 degree in statistics from Colorado State University.


她在自己的教育中得到的支持使帕拉西奥斯于2016年开始工作 与格罗斯蒙特学院的Via Rapida第一年体验项目合作,创造同伴指导 and embedded tutoring programs.


帕拉西奥斯对学院的其他贡献包括设计和创造学院的建筑 开设了第一个在线统计学课程,并成为学院事实上的在线专家 教育. She is also credited with bolstering the Math Student Center as its coordinator, efforts that have brought her other plaudits, including Innovator of the Year last spring, and the Division Teaching Excellence Award in 2011


“艾琳·帕拉西奥斯是一个罕见的人,也是一个忠诚的专业人士,致力于格罗斯蒙特 并以数学老师的身份向她的学生们致敬,”珍妮特说 Gelb, the college’s distance 教育 coordinator.


帕拉西奥斯惊叹于教育如何改变了她的生活,并每天都在努力付出 forward by helping students progress.


“我从没想过我能幸运地在一所尊重多样性的大学工作 and inclusion as much as Grossmont大学, she said.




With an accounting background in the corporate world and jobs that have taken her around the globe, Hansen made a mid-career switch to begin teaching. 除了…之外 信息技术领域的计算机科学与信息系统入门课程 at Grossmont大学, she teaches accounting at Miramar and Mesa colleges and San Diego State University.


作为一名综合健身运动员,汉森同样高能量的教学方法很受欢迎 her creativity in engaging students and introducing data analytics to Grossmont’s CSIS program have garnered praise.

她开发了一种“创智赢家”的体验,在这种体验中,学生们被分成几个小组 pitch proposals to a group of judges at the end of the semester.


“在看到朱莉取得的成绩后,现在所有其他教师都想这样做 do this,” said Clifton Quinn, department chair. “She is energetic, positive, helpful, 这绝对表明她非常真诚地关心她的学生和同事.”


提名汉森为兼职杰出教师奖的同事们说 创新的想法,比如创建应用程序和评估工具来衡量学生 progress have contributed greatly to the CSIS program. Hansen’s early efforts helping the department’s transition from print to digital textbooks and teaching material brought her recognition as a trailblazer.


她代表圣地亚哥社区学院计算机联盟中的格罗斯蒙特学院, 一个活跃的网络和信息共享场所的技术讲师 该地区.


 Manuel Mancillas-Gomez


曼西拉斯-戈麦斯出生在蒂华纳,十几岁时就和父母以及五个兄弟姐妹一起搬到了美国 to Otay Mesa, but continued attending high school in Mexico. 他服药后的第二天 1967年夏天,曼西拉斯-戈麦斯参加了加州大学洛杉矶分校的最后一次高中期末考试 季度.


在获得人类学和拉丁美洲研究学士学位后 UCLA and his master’s degree in teaching English from Grand Canyon University, he is now an English As a Second Language instructor at 正规网赌软件推荐. 他为 eight years as an adjunct instructor before getting a fulltime contract in 2014.


曼西拉斯-戈麦斯回忆了自己作为墨西哥人所面临的挑战 schools transitioning to UCLA as he helps the mostly Iraqi students he sees in his 类. 正规网赌软件推荐’s pedagogical shift to accelerated learning in which students are no longer delayed by remedial 类 in math, English and ESL also appeal to Mancillas-Gomez’s well-honed sense of justice.


作为新加速英语作为第二语言项目的主要设计者之一 在Cuyamaca,曼西拉斯-戈麦斯在课堂外花了几个小时来推广他的想法 regards as equity for students across the state. He travels monthly to Sacramento to serve on committees addressing reforms to remedial 教育.


“我相信这是一种高度变革的模式,在这种模式中,我们不仅教授技能, but also empowering students for success,” he said. “I see many colleges in the state 可悲的是,由于缺乏强有力的领导,这些变化没有发生 such as we have at 正规网赌软件推荐. Transformative processes work best when multiple agents collaborate and have a dedicated conviction for change.”




The son of educators, 斯坦福德说 teaching wasn’t in his plans early in life. 但 从他在乌干达度过的童年,他的父母在那里为国务院教书, 老师的生活在他心中根深蒂固,他亲眼目睹了传授的满足感 知识可以带来.


“真正教给别人他们需要的东西是一种快乐的经历,很少有人能做到 其他人可以匹配,”斯塔福德说,他于80年代中期首次在库亚马卡学院工作 as a tutor for students with learning disabilities.


在圣地亚哥州立大学读书期间,他继续在大学里做家教 and eventually became the interim coordinator of the Tutoring/Assessment Center.


在获得心理学学士学位和写作硕士学位后 San Diego State University, he returned to 正规网赌软件推荐 in 2006 as an adjunct 英语老师.


“罗伯特·斯塔福德真的超越了他作为兼职教师的角色 已经成为我们校园里一个不可或缺的人物,全心全意地从事活动 在他的常规教学职责之外,使我们的学生,他的部门和学院 better,” Academic Senate President Kim Dudzik said.


除了在学术参议院任职外,斯塔福德还担任三人组成员之一 of leaders heading 正规网赌软件推荐’s accreditation cycle. He was also recognized 表彰他在股权资助方面的工作,以及担任LGBT青年的指导老师 集团.


斯塔福德最初来到库亚马卡学院,在首任院长萨姆·特纳手下工作 of the English Department, who continued to support and mentor him as he explored 职业选择.


“He sent me off into the world with an invitation back to teach when I was ready,” 斯坦福德说. “I have gone off from time to time, but this is a place and job that I love so staying away is difficult.”


斯坦福德说 the people and the data-driven aspects of 正规网赌软件推荐 are what 他最欣赏.


“我们正在寻找学生成功和失败的真正原因,我们正在深入研究 interventions to help students stay in school and succeed,” he said. “这是巨大的。 and it’s having a huge impact on student success.”